Photo by Matthew Morgan
I like to think that I am laid back—in my mind, that is what a true Californian should be—however, the reality is that I am a person who loves beauty yet needs order. I am a planner. I am known as someone who remembers dates or details, because they matter. It’s the small details that make up the bigger picture.
It is apparent to me now, that I was destined to be a graphic designer from a young age. During my childhood years, I was creative and always making art or making up games to organize my brothers (I would even hand out handmade certificates I had designed for the their efforts!). I loved to create order out of chaos and having a reason to create beautiful things.
Being a designer is being a visual problem solver. It uses both the flexibility and freedom of art with the rationale and structure of design. There must be a reason for the design.
And that’s how I ended up here. I love to design pieces that are not only beautiful, but functional. I crave to bring order to chaos wherever I can and these pieces are my small contribution.
Beautifully organized pieces to help you remember the details.
Founder, Katie King Rumford, was born and raised in southern California. She dances between being a graphic designer, illustrator, professor, dog mom, mama and wife. And she has a passion for all things food, wine & design.

California Native Design is a small, woman-owned business.
Your support means the world to us, so thank you!